Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ideas and Meanings of Best Star Tattoo !

Star tattoos are considered as one of the most popular ones among both males and females. The feminine small twinkling starts and masculine nautical stars are the most prominent ones.
Star Tattoo

People select star tattoos for variety of reasons. Star tattoos are liked for their impressive appearance on a particular body part and also due to their connection with people’s live and thoughts.
The wearer of Star Tattoos has their own meanings. They sometimes want to achieve a goal or a sort of continuous encouragement in difficult times. It plays a positive role in the wearer’s determination.
Another meaning is the interest of wearer astronomy related things. The wearer uses Star Tattoos to convey his message and wants others to realize wearer’s interest in heavens and heavenly bodies.
There are other meanings for wearers as they use star tattoo to associate it with memorable or important event or phase in life. Maybe the wearer embraced a new religion or belief, got engaged or married, decided to change his approach, and so on.
Apart from mentioned meanings related to star tattoos, the following exciting ideas will help you use Star Tattoo the way which suits you the best.
Nautical Stars. Stars were once one of the key sources of navigation related information for sailors. This is true for the early times when compass was not invented. The sailors of these ancient times were also the wearer of nautical star tattoos to seek guidance during journeys as well as long voyages. Nowadays there is nothing superstitious associated with Nautical Star Tattoos. Now the wearer use these tattoos explains that they take the right direction and create right path for themselves.
Star Tattoo
Shooting Stars. This tattoo is usually used to relate it to some significant event in wearer’s personal life that contributed significantly. It could also symbolize a person, a job, a short romance, or anything that has some importance in the wearer’s life.
The Star of David or Hexagram. It is used by both believers and non believers of Judaism. This is actually used by those who believe in the humans and the Divine’s interconnection.
Pentagram. The symbolic five-pointed star is used to derive different meanings. Some of the wearer can symbolize the four elements like water, wind, fire and earth and the point at the top is considered as the spirit of these elements.
The above examples are few of the popular ideas related to star tattoo. There is no restriction on your thoughts and one can have out of the box idea to create design of your own. Everyone can interpret their own feelings.
Star tattoos are placed in different body parts depending on the gender. The is a big selection to choose from. The better selection on the basis of meaning and location will result in having the perfect star tattoo.

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